What a bonanza here. We have LOTS of other resourses to look at now for more information about her family. I took out the names.
XXXXXX, a native of Indiana and a resident of Cape Coral Fla died
Sept 11, 2008 at the home of her caregiver. She was 83
XXXXXX, known as "Ruthie" was born April 10, 1925. in Eminence Ind, to XX and XXXXX XXXXXXXX. She was a 19XX graduate of Martinsville High School in Indiana.
She married XXXXXX in Nashville In on June 16, 1946.
XXXXXX was co-owner of XXXXTV & Appliences from 1953 until her retirement in 1979.
She was a member of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Martinsville, and was a member of the Kapppa Kappa Kappa soriety, MHMC Hospital Guild, Elliott Clan, the Littell Families of America, Colonial Dames, Descendants of Washington's Army at Valley Forge, National society Daughters of the American Revolution and Indiana Pioneers.She was preceeded in death by her parents, her brother XXXXX Elliott, and grandchildren XX and XX XXX.
She is survived by her husband of 62 years, 2 children, 5 grandchildren and 4 great-granddaughters.
Here is another great example...
Thursday afternoon funeral services have been set for XXXXX, Martinsville banker and real estate dealer, who died at his home, XXXXXX Street, early Monday
afternoon 12 JUN 1961.
Mr. XX's home had been in the Eminence community of Morgan County and Martinsville throughout his life. Born in Eminence July 2, 1890, he was the son of XX and XX
XX XX Elliott. He attended school there and later with his brother, the late XX XX, and XX XX, operated a general store.
He moved to Martinsville in 1926 and since that time had conducted a real estate business here, and also has been engaged in farming and cattle raising.Mr. XX was president of the First National Bank, Martinsville. He had been vice-president prior to that and had been on its board of directiors since the banks organization in 1932.
He had been a member of the Masonic Lodge for more than 40 years.
Mr. XX leaves his wife, the former Miss XX XXX, of Eminence, whom he married July 13, 1915; a son and daughter, XX XXX of Indianapolis and Mrs.
XX XXX, Martinsville, four grandchildren. His brothers and sister, XX Ellliott, XX Elliott, and Mrs. XX XX, died earlier.
Get the drift? I love obits because somewhere a long the line the folks in my tree have ceased to be just names on a page. They are real to me and knowing what they loved and who they were makes it all that more personal.